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The Zaremba Association of Mathematicians -
- Students of the Jagiellonian University
organizes from 8th to 14th July 2012
The 15th International Workshop for Young Mathematicians
"Functional Analysis"
Invited speakers:
Gilles Cassier (Claude Bernard University Lyon 1)
Piotr So³tan (University of Warsaw)
Ryszard Szwarc (University of Wroc³aw)
László Zsidó (University of Rome "Tor Vergata")
Scientific commitee:
Jan Stochel (Jagiellonian University)
Franciszek H. Szafraniec (Jagiellonian University)
Piotr Niemiec (Jagiellonian University)
During the Workshop the following topics will be raised (among others):
- operator theory,
- commutative and noncommutative harmonic analysis,
- functional analysis in physics,
- operator algebras,
- quantum groups.
Workshop is a satellite conference of the
6th European Congress of Mathematics.